GST evasion of ₹1.88 lakh cr detected by CGST officers during April-Dec 2024

GST evasion of over ₹1.88 lakh crore was detected by Central GST officers during April-December 2024, the Lok Sabha was informed on Monday.

Minister of State for Finance Pankaj Chaudhary said GST evasion, including ITC fraud cases, in 72,393 cases between April and December stood at ₹1.88 lakh crore. 132 arrests were made and recovery of ₹20,128 crore was made during the period.

In the 2023-24 fiscal, CGST officials detected GST evasion of ₹2.30 lakh crore in 20,582 cases. Recovery of ₹31,758 crore was made and 223 people were arrested.

In 2022-23 and 2021-22, GST evasion of ₹1.32 lakh crore and ₹73,238 crore was detected by CGST officials, respectively.

Under the Goods and Services Tax (GST), taxes are levied under four main slabs – 5 per cent, 12 per cent, 18 per cent and 28 per cent. Three special rates of 3 per cent, 1.5 per cent and 0.25 per cent are applicable on gold, silver, diamond and jewellery; cut and polished diamonds and rough diamonds, respectively.

Separately, GST compensation cess is applicable only on tobacco and tobacco products, aerated drinks and vehicles, etc at varying rates.

To detect fake registration, Central and state GST officers conducted two special drives from May to August in 2023 and August to October in 2024.

In the first drive against fake registration, 21,808 non-existing GSTINs were found and ₹24,357 crore worth of tax evasion detected. Eight persons were arrested in this regard.

In the second drive, 68,393 non-existing GSTINs were found and ₹25,346 crore worth evasion was detected. 19 persons were arrested.

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