The Government of Assam Orders by the Governor Finance (Taxation) Department has issued Notification No. eCF No. 568633/27 dated December 24, 2024 notifies the Assam Industries (State Goods and Services Tax Reimbursement for Eligible units) (Amendment) Scheme, 2024.
The Governor of Assam is hereby pleased to make following scheme to amend the Assam Industries (State Goods and Services Tax Reimbursement for Eligible units) Scheme, 2021, hereinafter referred to as the principal scheme, in the manner hereinafter appearing namely: –
1. Short title, extent and commencement.-
(1) This Scheme may be called the Assam Industries (State Goods and Services Tax Reimbursement for Eligible units) (Amendment) Scheme, 2024.
(2) It extends to the whole of Assam.
(3) Save and otherwise provided, it shall be deemed to have come into force on 23rd day of February, 2023.
2. Amendment of clause 2.-In the principal scheme,
(i) for sub-clause (c), the following shall be substituted, namely: –
“(c) “Micro, Small and Medium enterprises, Large units and Mega Project units” shall be as defined in the extant Industrial and Investment Policy of Assam, 2019 or as amended”,
(ii) sub-clause (d) shall be omitted.
3. Insertion of New Clause 3A.-In the principal scheme, after existing clause 3, the following new clause shall be inserted, namely: –
“3A. Applicability of Changes in the Industrial and Investment Policy of Assam, 2019-
Any changes in the Industrial and Investment Policy of Assam, 2019 shall mutatis mutandis apply in the Assam Industries (State Goods and Services Tax Reimbursement for Eligibility units) Scheme, 2021.”
4. Amendment of clause 8.-In the principal scheme,
(a) in sub-clause (2), in the table, in the last row, for the figures, brackets and words “10(Ten) years subject to maximum of 100% of Fixed Capital Investment”, the figures, brackets and words “15 (Fifteen) years subject to maximum of 100% of Fixed Capital Investment which shall be effective from the 1st day of September, 2019” shall be substituted.
(b) in sub-clause (4), for the first paragraph and the first proviso, the following shall be substituted, namely: –
“An eligible mega project unit, which commences its commercial production or operation during the period commencing from 1st September, 2019 upto the validity period of the Industrial Policy, 2019 in terms of the eligibility criteria of the said policy, to which the customized tax incentives are granted shall in respect of intra-State supplies made within the State, be entitled to reimbursement of 100% of the State tax (SGST) paid through debit in the electronic cash ledger account maintained by the unit in terms of sub-section (1) of section 49 of the Assam Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 after utilization of the available amount of the input tax credit of the State tax (SGST) and Integrated tax (IGST), subject to the quantum of monetary ceiling and the time limit for tax reimbursement:
Provided that the quantum of monetary ceiling that may be allowed to a Mega Project Unit, shall not exceed 200% of fixed capital investment or as per customized incentives for Mega Project Units as approved by the Cabinet and documented in Memorandum of Understanding:”
The Notification can be accessed at: