CBIC’s Circular on Disposal of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)/Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV)/Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS)/Drones

The CBIC issued Circular No. 06/2025-Customs dated March 04, 2025 regarding the Disposal of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)/Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV)/Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS)/Drones.

Kind attention is invited towards CBIC’s Circular No. 32/2019 dated 20.09.2019 amended by Circular No. 05/2024-Customs dated 22.05.2024 on the above-mentioned subject.

In partial modification to the said Circular, the following amendments are being made: –

(i) Para 4.b. of the said Circular shall be substituted as follows:

“All the Drones of all the categories shall be transferred to the warehouses of the following Customs formations, namely, Chennai (Airport), Delhi (IGIA), Kolkata (Airport), Mumbai (Airport) and Bengaluru (Airport & Air Cargo), which shall be the focal Commissionerates for stocking, segregation, joint inspection by all agencies and distribution. For this purpose, all the Customs Zones have been mapped to these focal Commissionerates as indicated at Annexure-A.”

(ii) Annexure-A of the said Circular shall be substituted by the Annexure appended to this circular as Appendix-I.

(iii) Annexure-C of the said Circular shall be substituted by the Annexure appended to this circular as Appendix-II.

The Circular along the Annexures can be accessed at: https://taxinformation.cbic.gov.in/view-pdf/1003268/ENG/Circulars

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