The CBIC vide Notification No. 09/2025–Central Tax dated February 11, 2025, notifies effective dates for various amendments to the Central Goods and Services Tax (CGST) Rules as introduced through Notification No. 12/2024, dated July 10, 2024. The amendments related to Aadhar authentication, E-Way Bill, and Form GSTR-3B will be effective from February 11, 2025. This includes new enrolment forms for E-way Bill (Form GST ENR-03), including substitution the of Table 6.1 and omission of Table 6.2 for reverse charge supplies (Rules 2, 24, 27 and 32).
The other amendments related to the Input Service Distributor, Form GSTR-7, and Form GSTR-8 will be effective from April 1, 2025. These changes include updates to Form GSTR-7 and Form GSTR-8 for E-Commerce Operators, allowing amendments to details of supplies in any earlier statement through Tables 4A and 4B of Form GSTR-8 (Rules 8, 37 and clause (ii) of rule 38).
Rule 2 – Aadhar authentication – Effective from February 11, 2025 |
2. In the Central Goods and Services Tax Rules, 2017 (hereinafter referred to as the said rules), with effect from a date to be notified, in rule 8, in sub-rule (4A), after the first proviso, the following proviso shall be inserted, namely: –
“Provided further that every application made under sub-rule (4) by a person, other than a person notified under sub-section (6D) of section 25, who has not opted for authentication of Aadhaar number, shall be followed by taking photograph of the applicant where the applicant is an individual or of such individuals in relation to the applicant as notified under sub-section (6C) of section 25 where the applicant is not an individual, along with the verification of the original copy of the documents uploaded with the application in FORM GST REG-01 at one of the Facilitation Centers notified by the Commissioner for the purpose of this sub-rule and the application shall be deemed to be complete only after successful verification as laid down under this proviso.”. |
Rule 24 – E-Way Bill – Effective from February 11, 2025 |
24. In the said rules, with effect from a date to be notified, in rule 138, in sub-rule (3), after the third proviso, the following proviso shall be inserted, namely:-
“Provided also that an unregistered person required to generate e-way bill in FORM GST EWB-01 in terms of the fourth proviso to sub-rule (1) or an unregistered person opting to generate e-way bill in Form GST EWB-01, on the common portal, shall submit the details electronically on the common portal in FORM GST ENR- 03 either directly or through a Facilitation Centre notified by the Commissioner and, upon validation of the details so furnished, a unique enrolment number shall be generated and communicated to the said person.”. |
Rule 27 – FORM GST ENR-03 (Application for Enrolment) – Effective from February 11, 2025 |
27. In the said rules, with effect from a date to be notified, after the FORM GST ENR-02, the following Form shall be inserted, namely: –
“FORM GST ENR-03 [See rule 138(3)] Application for Enrolment [only for un-registered persons] 1. Name of the State 2. (a) Name as per PAN (b) Trade Name, if any (c) PAN (d) Aadhaar, if applicable (optional) 3. Type of enrolment (i) Unregistered supplier of goods (ii) Unregistered recipient of goods (iii) Both (i) & (ii) 4. Contact Information (the email address and mobile number will be used for authentication) Email Address Mobile Number 5. Consent I on behalf of the holder of Aadhaar number < pre-filled based on Aadhaar number provided in the form > give consent to “Goods and Services Tax Network” to obtain my details from UIDAI for the purpose of authentication. “Goods and Services Tax Network” has informed me that identity information would only be used for validating identity of the Aadhaar holder and will be shared with Central Identities Data Repository only for the purpose of authentication. 6. List of documents uploaded 7. Verification I hereby solemnly affirm and declare that the information given herein above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therefrom. Place: Signature Date: Name of Authorised Signatory For Office Use: Enrolment no Date- ”;
Rule 32 – FORM GSTR-3B (Table 6.1 & Table 6.2) – Effective from February 11, 2025 |
32. In the said rules, with effect from date to be notified, in FORM GSTR-3B, –
(a) For Table 6.1, the following Table shall be substituted;
(b) Table 6.2 shall be omitted.
Rule 8 – Input Service Distributor – Effective from April 01, 2025 |
8. In the said rules, with effect from a date to be notified, in rule 39, –
(i) for sub-rule (1), the following sub-rule shall be substituted, namely: –– “(1) An Input Service Distributor shall distribute input tax credit in the manner and subject to the following conditions, namely: –– (a) the input tax credit available for distribution in a month shall be distributed in the same month and the details thereof shall be furnished in FORM GSTR-6 in accordance with the provisions of Chapter VIII of these rules; (b) the amount of the credit distributed shall not exceed the amount of credit available for distribution; (c) the credit of tax paid on input services attributable to a recipient of credit shall be distributed only to that recipient; (d) the credit of tax paid on input services attributable to more than one recipient of credit shall be distributed amongst such recipients to whom the input service is attributable and such distribution shall be pro rata on the basis of the turnover in a State or turnover in a Union territory of such recipient, during the relevant period, to the aggregate of the turnover of all such recipients to whom such input service is attributable and which are operational in the current year, during the said relevant period; (e) the credit of tax paid on input services attributable to all recipients of credit shall be distributed amongst such recipients and such distribution shall be pro rata on the basis of the turnover in a State or turnover in a Union territory of such recipient, during the relevant period, to the aggregate of the turnover of all recipients and which are operational in the current year, during the said relevant period; (f) the input tax credit that is required to be distributed in accordance with the provisions of clause (d) and (e) to one of the recipients “R1”, whether registered or not, from amongst the total of all the recipients to whom input tax credit is attributable, including the recipients who are engaged in making exempt supply, or are otherwise not registered for any reason, shall be the amount, “C1”, to be calculated by applying the following formula – C 1 = (t 1 / T) x C where, “C” is the amount of credit to be distributed, “t1 ” is the turnover, as referred to in clause (d) and (e), of person R1 during the relevant period, and “T” is the aggregate of the turnover, during the relevant period, of all recipients to whom the input service is attributable in accordance with the provisions of clause (d) and (e); (g) the Input Service Distributor shall, in accordance with the provisions of clause (d) and (e), separately distribute the amount of ineligible input tax credit (ineligible under the provisions of sub-section (5) of section 17 or otherwise) and the amount of eligible input tax credit; (h) the input tax credit on account of central tax, State tax, Union territory tax and integrated tax shall be distributed separately in accordance with the provisions of clause (d) and (e); (i) the input tax credit on account of integrated tax shall be distributed as input tax credit of integrated tax to every recipient; (j) the input tax credit on account of central tax and State tax or Union territory tax shall– (i) in respect of a recipient located in the same State or Union territory in which the Input Service Distributor is located, be distributed as input tax credit of central tax and State tax or Union territory tax respectively; (ii) in respect of a recipient located in a State or Union territory other than that of the Input Service Distributor, be distributed as integrated tax and the amount to be so distributed shall be equal to the aggregate of the amount of input tax credit of central tax and State tax or Union territory tax that qualifies for distribution to such recipient as referred to in clause (d) and (e); (k) the Input Service Distributor shall issue an Input Service Distributor invoice, as provided in sub-rule (1) of rule 54, clearly indicating in such invoice that it is issued only for distribution of input tax credit; (l) the Input Service Distributor shall issue an Input Service Distributor credit note, as provided in sub-rule (1) of rule 54, for reduction of credit in case the input tax credit already distributed gets reduced for any reason; (m) any additional amount of input tax credit on account of issuance of a debit note to an Input Service Distributor by the supplier shall be distributed in the manner and subject to the conditions specified in clauses (a) to (j) and the amount attributable to any recipient shall be calculated in the manner provided in clause (f) and such credit shall be distributed in the month in which the debit note is included in the return in FORM GSTR-6; (n) any input tax credit required to be reduced on account of issuance of a credit note to the Input Service Distributor by the supplier shall be apportioned to each recipient in the same ratio in which the input tax credit contained in the original invoice was distributed in terms of clause (f), and the amount so apportioned shall be- (i) reduced from the amount to be distributed in the month in which the credit note is included in the return in FORM GSTR-6; or (ii) added to the output tax liability of the recipient where the amount so apportioned is in the negative by virtue of the amount of credit under distribution being less than the amount to be adjusted.”; (ii) after sub-rule (1), the following sub-rule shall be inserted, namely:- “(1A) For the distribution of credit in respect of input services, attributable to one or more distinct persons, subject to levy of tax under sub-section (3) or (4) of section 9, a registered person, having the same PAN and State code as an Input Service Distributor, may issue an invoice or, as the case may be, a credit or debit note as per the provisions of sub-rule(1A) of rule 54 to transfer the credit of such common input services to the Input Service Distributor, and such credit shall be distributed by the said Input Service Distributor in the manner as provided in sub-rule (1).”; (iii) in sub-rule (2), for the words and brackets “clause (j)”, the words and brackets “clause (n)” shall be substituted; (iv) in sub-rule (3), for the words and brackets “clause (h)”, the words and brackets “clause (l)” shall be substituted; (v) after sub-rule (3), the following explanation shall be inserted, namely: – “Explanation. — For the purpose of this rule, – (i) the term “relevant period” shall be— (a) if the recipients of credit have turnover in their States or Union territories in the financial year preceding the year during which credit is to be distributed, the said financial year; or (b) if some or all recipients of the credit do not have any turnover in their States or Union territories in the financial year preceding the year during which the credit is to be distributed, the last quarter for which details of such turnover of all the recipients are available, previous to the month during which credit is to be distributed; (ii) the expression “recipient of credit” means the supplier of goods or services or both having the same Permanent Account Number as that of the Input Service Distributor; (iii) the term ‘‘turnover’’, in relation to any registered person engaged in the supply of taxable goods as well as goods not taxable under this Act, means the value of turnover, reduced by the amount of any duty or tax levied under entries 84 and 92A of List I of the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution and entries 51 and 54 of List II of the said Schedule.”.
Rule 37 – Form GSTR-7 (Table-3, Table-4 and Instructions) – Effective from April 01, 2025 |
37. In the said rules, with effect from a date to be notified, in Form GSTR-7,–
(i) for Table 3, the following Table shall be substituted, namely;-
(ii) for Table 4, the following Table shall be substituted, namely;-
(iii) in Instructions, – (a) for instruction at serial number 2, the following instruction shall be substituted, namely:- “2. Table 3 to capture invoice/ document wise details of tax deducted.”; (b) after instruction at serial number 4, the following instruction shall be inserted, namely:- “5. The amount liable for TDS in column 5 of Table 3 and column 6 and column 11 of Table 4, shall be the amount excluding the Central tax, State tax/ Union territory tax, Integrated tax and cess, indicated in the invoice.”.
Clause (ii) of Rule 38 – FORM GSTR-8 – Effective from April 01, 2025 |
38. In the said rules, in FORM GSTR-8, –
(ii) in FORM GSTR-8, with effect from a date to be notified, – (a) for serial number 3, the following shall be substituted, namely:- “3. Details of supplies made through e-commerce operator (Amount in Rs. for all Tables)
(b) for serial number 4, the following shall be substituted, namely:- “4. Amendments to details of supplies in respect of any earlier statement
The Notification can be accessed at:–CENTRAL-TAX.pdf